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1776RM National Group

Public·980 members

Terry Jones

Founding Member


Santa said in his video this morning that Hippie was setting up a GiveSendGo fund for Ma & Pa. After ALL they have both done for 1776, I'm 🙏🙏🙏 that the 76'rs will be generous to them in return.

Those members who were planning on renewing their 1776 Memberships could donate those funds to Ma & Pa instead. Can't think of a better 1776 cause.

💜💚💜 & 🙏🙏🙏 for some kind of survival of 1776RM! We NEED to keep this "message" moving forward.

Marge Thibeault
Marge Thibeault
Aug 13, 2023

That's what I'm doing,


Welcome to the 1776 Restoration Movement National! You can c...

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