PS.. Just to add there is a new livestreamer covering the J6 vigil and sure could use some subscribers to help get the word out, his name is Roy, i'm sorry don't know his last name and a man who loves the Lord, he just started streaming not to long ago and covered the J6 vigil last night May 24th.. Stormtrooper was a great help to him last night :) his youtube channel is
if you can't find stormtrooper1791 on youtube you can find him on rumble , glorybee also live steams on youtube and steve ( Freedom4USA) also does shorts covering j6
PS.. Just to add there is a new livestreamer covering the J6 vigil and sure could use some subscribers to help get the word out, his name is Roy, i'm sorry don't know his last name and a man who loves the Lord, he just started streaming not to long ago and covered the J6 vigil last night May 24th.. Stormtrooper was a great help to him last night :) his youtube channel is